Six ways to improve office morale

Six ways to improve office morale

The higher the morale in the office, the greater the productivity. There are many ways in which staff contentment within a company can be boosted.

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It is important to communicate often and this is undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to boost morale. Teamwork is key to the success of a business and a manager or team leader should check-in regularly with the members. Questions could include asking the employees how they feel or whether there is anything the management can do to help overcome any obstacles or challenges they face. Any changes in the foreseeable future should be shared with the employees so that they do not come unexpectedly. Most importantly, make sure you employees know that their opinions matter.

Remembering to communicate regularly is key because when employees feel appreciated and encouraged to perform well, they will be more motivated and keen to succeed.


Employee feedback should always be welcomed, whether views on how the company is being run or ideas the staff may have to drive sales forward. When employee feedback is welcomed, management is more likely to receive more ideas.

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Decisiveness and appreciation

Business owners must be decisive. Whatever the problem, management should weigh up the pros and cons and make a firm decision. If this fails, it is good practice to be open and honest with the employees and explain why the initiative didn’t work.

Incentive programmes can help boost morale, whether gift cards or time off rewards. It is not just top employee performances that should be rewarded; instead, you should show appreciation for all staff in all roles.


Good aesthetics can also enhance morale. Office fit out companies such as Mobius at Work Ltd can create comfortable modern workspaces to put a smile on employees’ faces.

According to Des Moines Register, an Iowa insurance company has added a dog to its workplace in a bid to enhance staff morale.

Social media

Some firms use social media to praise their employees. This is not only a great marketing tool for your company but can also be used to show appreciation for employees who go that extra mile.

Have fun

Most importantly, have fun. This will show your employees that you are a human being rather than just a manager.


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