What Occupations Need to Understand the Effects of Trauma?

What Occupations Need to Understand the Effects of Trauma?

Whether it’s a family bereavement, domestic violence, or another violence-related event, survivors can experience trauma every day. And while more people have spoken out about the effects of toxic experiences, the reality is that many workplaces don’t offer the support their employees need to help them recover from traumatic experiences.

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Trauma, including a single or multiple traumatic events and chronic or long-lasting distressing life experiences, affects everyone differently. Some survivors may exhibit clear criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), while others will have resilient responses or brief subclinical symptoms that fall outside of diagnostic criteria. If you need to know about Trauma informed practice training, then contact https://www.tidaltraining.co.uk

Reactions shortly after a traumatic event include confusion, anxiety, agitation, sadness, or numbness. Delayed responses can include a lack of sleep, a recurring or persistently negative sense of self, intense intrusive memories or aversion to emotions/thoughts/feelings associated with the traumatic experience, fear of recurrence, and a feeling of being unsafe.

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Therapists, teachers, and other healthcare providers need to understand the effects of trauma so they can provide the most appropriate services to their clients. For example, many individuals who are traumatised have a hard time connecting with their emotional centres and tend to get stuck in their “fight or flight” mode during moments of high emotional intensity. This can make it difficult for them to access their social support networks and use resources that might be available to them.


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