If you have just finished school or college, now you are to be looking for a profitable business idea to start your life in the real world. It is incredible how many young entrepreneurs , like you, are emerging today because, let’s be honest, it is much more satisfying to be your own boss and the effort of your work does not take another.
That’s why today I present 7 business ideas to make money online (and outside) where you barely have to invest a penny. With which you will put your own hours and earn the salary you propose.
Few Profitable Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs
Dedicate yourself to online marketing even if you do not know anything about online marketing!
Most young people (if not all) know how to handle social networks and have a clue as to how the Internet works. So you sure have the skills to run an online marketing firm.
What does it consist of? In publishing content of a company or client in the social networks that is attractive to get followers who share those publications and thus reach the largest number of public.

If you know how to get re-tweets and satisfy your customers, this is one of the best businesses for young people where in addition you will only need your computer and an Internet connection.
Create a writing agency and others work for you
There is a lot of money in content writing. Website owners or online business owners pay large amounts for receiving good written texts. The best of all? You will not need to know how to write!
When creating a writing agency you just have to find freelance writers (in Odesk there are hundreds) who are looking for a job, a client who needs quality texts , and pass that task on to your contracted writer. Of course, you will take a good commission and the effort will be minimal (for you).
Blessed is the man who invented Photoshop !
This popular program not only serves to retouch our photos of a long night of celebration; It can also earn you good money if you set it up.

If you know how to handle Photoshop (or any other graphic design program), dedicate yourself to designing logos , menus, covers for web pages, wallpapers or whatever works best for you. Not the most innovative business , but the most profitable (a logo for a web usually costs a minimum of $ 50 , so imagine!).
Show others your muscles on webcam
It’s not what you think: I’m talking about being a personal trainer online. If among your best qualities are leading a healthy life and exercise , pass your wisdom to others who want to get in shape.
There are hundreds of options here: creating a website and giving webcam training classes , recording exercise videos and selling them, writing a blog and selling your own eBooks to your readers or to Amazon (our Fitness Revolutionary web interviewer is a test of it)…

This type of Internet business is very fashionable among young entrepreneurs because you will not have to spend anything, and every day there are more people who are aiming for the fashion of having an online coach for the convenience of being at home and the flexibility of schedules .
Are you a computer geek ? There are thousands of business ideas for you!
Computer knowledge is not just any skill: it ‘s a great source of money . There are hundreds of business ideas you can put into practice, such as teaching (online and offline) computers to others, repairing computers, creating a technical service for companies …
It is the business for young people with more professional opportunities, and you can choose to work exclusively from home online, go out into the real world, or even hire someone to do the work outside (go to companies to repair their computers) while you in your room Classes to students via Skype .
Editing videos can also earn money
Videos are fast becoming the preferred format for publishing information on the Internet. So why not take advantage of it? If you have a good digital camera, offer yourself to help people record and edit videos (or have them put in their own camera).

The market here is infinite: bloggers who want to make a living online and earn money with YouTube , professionals who need to record videos for their jobs, small businesses that want to advertise their products on the Internet, schools that need to record tutorials or classes …
Knowing how to handle a decent camera and your favorite video editor will make it easy to make good money without spending a penny!
What business can I put … if I do not know how to do any of the above?
Suppose you do not know how to exercise , or any computer or social networks. For you there are other business ideas, such as distributing advertising material . You will only need a friend who does not have a job either, and get a client that needs to be promoted .
The only thing you will have to do is collect the publicity that this company gives you or small business. Together with your company, to distribute that material in mailboxes, to post posters, or what the company for which you work.
It seems silly, but do not discard this option : it is the simplest young business there is, and the earnings can be very high if you get several customers to pay you well.