Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Start A Blog

Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Start A Blog

Marketing is constantly changing and using blogs as part of a marketing strategy is one way for organizations to reach current or potential customers, no matter the type or size of the business or platform even if it’s a casino like, where games can be played.

Blogs make it easier for customers to find businesses through Google. Blogs also give customers a better understanding of a company and product. And by using a multichannel marketing strategy, blogs offer another touchpoint with customers.

Around 60% of people read blogs at least once a week, according to HubSpot. Small businesses and large corporations can create informative content for readers for little to no cost. Here are five reasons why blogs are important for businesses and casinos alike.

Drive traffic to a website

Blogs create relevant content to increase website traffic. Businesses with blogs get 55% more website visitors than those without one, according to a study by HubSpot Marketing.

Blogs are a great way to keep a website updated with fresh content. Readers want to know how to solve problems, and blogs can also tie in advice and a business service or product. In addition, blog posts can be the foundation of social media posts to reach customers. Organizations can post links to the blog on social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, giving readers a reason to click through to the business website.

Increase search engine optimization

Part of search engine optimization (SEO) is to drive organic traffic to a website. Search engine results are calculated by new content, the number of indexed pages and keywords. Businesses can improve all these areas and appear higher on the search engine result pages just by having a blog. The key to blogging is to provide relevant and quality content along with new posts.

By creating blog posts, businesses can also broaden their use of keywords. Organizations should use tools such as Ahrefs, Google Search Console, Semrush or Answer the Public for help determining keywords. But be mindful not to use a keyword too often. Google penalizes content for keyword stuffing.

By blogging about the industry, business, customers, products and events, related keywords will naturally be used in the content.

Grow email list

Email lists are a great way to interact with customers, but reaching new customers may be difficult if they have not heard of the business. Blogs can familiarize potential customers with a brand and pave the way for more people to subscribe to an email list. Customers are also more likely to trust email newsletters if they enjoy the blog content.

Create content for social media

Social media provides an easy way for businesses to share content. Once a blog post is created, there is no need to rewrite it for social media. Simply provide a link to the blog on social and ask readers to share or like the post. Be sure to share across multiple social media platforms to reach more people.

Expand the company’s brand

Show the personal side of the business to show customers they are more than just a number. Businesses can appear cold, but having a blog enables organizations to help audiences understand the day-to-day business and show their human side.

Sixty per cent of consumers enjoy reading content from brands, according to a Demand Metric study. Eighty-two per cent of customers also felt more positive about the brand after reading its content.


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