What to consider before buying a new Smartphone 

What to consider before buying a new Smartphone 

What should you keep in mind when launching a new Smartphone ? The election of a new Smartphone is a thoughtful process that evaluates a number of things. It is not only a question of price, but also of real usefulness of the product in the day to day. In this article I will tell you some details to consider before choosing your new inseparable companion your Smartphone.

There are endless things that can be considered when you have taken the initiative to change Smartphone, but some that should never be lacking and are basic. It is not a true science, but never pay attention and avoid being impatient.

The price will always be the great barrier and also filter, when you want to change Smartphone. Four key price bands could be established: up to 200 dollars, between 200 and 350 dollars, between 350 and 500 dollars, and more than 500 dollars.


Is it correct to ensure that the more expensive a product the better quality it has? If you talk about Smartphone you can conclude that higher performance will have, and technically the better the quality of the components. Of course, there are motives that have been born to break this truth halfway.

Do not waste big money to aspire to have a great product. It is wise to consider the relationship between price and benefits. In other words, find the product with the characteristics that one really cares about and are needed depending on the price that we are willing to pay.


It is important where you decide to buy. And no, it is not useful to buy in the cheapest online store, because perhaps you take a tremendous disgust. In general, however, it is best to trust trustworthy stores.

How much hurry do you have? I say this because it is usually a good time to take advantage of the special discount times: the next Black Friday, a day without VAT, weekly brochures, specific Christmas promotions, early summer, discounts of the September Round of Col… .


If you do not mind being connected to a Smartphone operator, perhaps the one you are in, or another competition, have some succulent offer that may be of interest to you. One way to buy the phone of your dreams is to take advantage of the financing of the operator, paying monthly fees in addition to your Smartphone rate. There are also establishments that finance the Smartphone to pay them in comfortable terms.


In any case, remember that before choosing a Smartphone signing a contract of permanence with a carrier you should look at some details:

  1. If the place in which you live there is sufficient network coverage of the operator.
  2. That the monthly fee of the rate does not exceed your needs in the consumption of data and minutes of calls.
  3. What is the time of permanence? If you are not your regular operator, you may not be able to sign up for 24 months of commitment.
  4. Compare the price of the free phone and the total value of this after the months of split payment.
  5. Pack of additional services that you can hire, and that maybe also you are interested to enjoy them at home or outside.
  • Is it worth buying a previous generation?

Related in large part to the previous section, it is very feasible to consider the purchase of the previous generation of the latest model launched by a brand. For example, after the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8, the Galaxy S7 Edge may be devalued in price, but remain a reference in performance.

The solution to not spend more than the account is to wait patiently for a price decrease of the product in which we take time to set ourselves and, at the right time, to buy it.

Decanting for a high-end Smartphone a year old   (that is, when the new version comes out) will never be a bad investment. Why? The custom of brands is to technically renew a product and give it another air at the design level, but good hardware has rope for a while.

In practice it is not necessary to have in our hands the state- of-the-art product of the year, perhaps we will not get to squeeze it to the max. Probably lowering the expectations, and by the way saving a few dollars, you will be able to enjoy a multimedia experience and online just as good.

  • Key features and what to know about them:

Have you ever felt lost reading about the specifications of a Smartphone? In the stores, next to the product, there is always a sheet in which they are more or less well detailed. But, by boat soon, they may not reveal anything to you or they will not get you out of any doubts.

Before throwing yourself into the pool and choosing, you may need to reflect on what is really needed. In other words, what will be the use that will be given to the phone? At equal prices, a feature may be better on one device than on another.


The characteristics of the screen  is one of the first things in which one is fixed, and this affects both the visual experience and the handling of the Smartphone itself.

  1. The more inches in, the larger the product is, with some exceptions. For example, with the LG G6 the measurements are really limited. Do you want a small or large Smartphone? Ask yourself.
  2. Is a 2K resolution better than Full HD? It depends on the panel, but it can be said that the first one achieves more sharpness of image. However, more resolution means more power consumption. With the Galaxy S8 and S8 + it is worth fixing a Full HD + resolution.
  3. The screens of the new flagship of LG and Samsung bring an image ratio of 18: 9 and 18.5: 9 respectively. What does that mean? For example, when playing a video, the scene is cropped and information is lost. It is neither good nor bad; it is what happens when covering all available visual space.


  • Other features that should not be overlooked are the internal storage capacity. Usually for Smartphone with price up to 200 dollars the internal memory is 16 GB, between 200 and 500 dollars of 32 GB, and from 500 dollars we should not aspire to less than 64 GB.
  • If you want to expand the memory, you must use a micro SD card, so you have to look at whether you can expand the memory with a micro SD card.

Did you know that the internal memory value that is specified in the box of a product will not be the one that the user actually has? Some of the storage capacity is used for software updates, the user interface, and applications included in the operating system.

If the Smartphone you want to buy says that it has 32 GB, in practice the internal memory available is around 24 GB. And if the value was 16 GB, for its own applications and contents would be about 10 GB.

If you are installing a myriad of apps and heavy games, such as ‘Asphalt 8’ or ‘Modern Combat 5’, it is best to make sure you buy a Smartphone with at least 32 GB of total internal memory.


How many megapixels does the best camera have? From this issue we talked about in a moment in a dedicated article, and basically we said that megapixels are not everything. That is, there are other aspects that determine the quality that one can get when taking a photo or when recording a video.

When it comes to buying a new Smartphone one can find four types of rear cameras, which can determine the experience. There are conventional ones, with a single sensor and on whose back side only a lens will be seen.

Then there are double rear cameras with different angles, and they work independently. This is the case of LG G6 and LG G5, which mounts a camera with a standard angle and a camera with wide angle (125 ° and 135 ° respectively).

Why choose a phone like LG flagship? Travelers will appreciate it very much, because the camera with wide angle is perfect when there is no angle or one cannot get far enough. In other words, just a few steps away you can get a whole building without problems.

The most typical is to find the dual rear cameras, which also have two lenses , but whose function is different. Why choose them? On the one hand, if you bring a monochrome sensor you can take black and white photos. And on the other, why you can adjust the aperture value and with the blur of the background capture a good bokeh.

And finally you could say that is the dual camera of the iPhone 7 Plus, which allows a zoom of two increases. It’s the great strength of Apple’s flagship photography, better capturing the details of a medium-distance object, or even finding a more suitable frame.


Another one of the doubts that can have any when buying a Smartphone is to know if the capacity of battery will suffice. The main cause of the exhaustion of energy so quickly is found on the screen. So, it will be important to look at the relationship between screen size and battery capacity.

In general terms if a phone has a screen with Full HD resolution and 5 or 5.2 inches, the battery should be at least 3000 mAh. If the screen size is 5.5 inches, the maximum power capacity should be between 3,300 and 3,600 mAh. And finally, for 6-inch displays, the 4,000 mAh battery should be the norm.


Of course, the above may also be conditioned by the type and resolution of the panel. In general the IPS screens consume more energy than the Amoled or Super Amoled , and therefore equal size and resolution the second are more efficient. The Super Amoled displays of the Galaxy A and Galaxy S are a great energy advantage.

The resolution of the screen is also another great conditioning when it comes to minimizing the power consumption in a phone. For example, it is one of the reasons why OnePlus so far has not opted for the 2K screens. Or that the Galaxy S8 and S8 + bring the resolution adjusted to the option Full HD + (2220 x 1080 pixels).


The Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is one of the best options on the market for those looking for a large screenand at the same time a time of use above average. The 3,600 mAh battery holds up well with the power consumption of the 5.5 “Super Amoled screen with 2K resolution.

  • SOUND:

Those who use their Smartphone to listen to music regularly will value and much sound quality. Sony phones have always proved to have great qualities in this regard, including effective software adjustments to enhance the experience.


On the other hand, some Smartphone boast of having Dolby and DTS technology, Hi-Res Audio certification, or a 32-bit DAC. All this brings more body to the sound and it makes that the quality reinforces when using earphones. Also note that Dolby devices allow you to adapt the sound with a multi band equalizer and those who bring DTS do not have such flexibility.

The Dolby sound incorporates Smartphone as the BQ Aquaris X5 Plus and the ZTE Axon 7, and DTS technology the high range of Huawei such as the P10 and Mate 9. Xperia Smartphone like the Z5, XZ or XZ Premium bring Hi-Res audio and Samsung Galaxy S8 a 32-bit DAC.

Of course, to enjoy the sound technology of your Smartphone to the full it is necessary to meet two requirements. Firstly, that the audio source is the appropriate, as far as possible music in FLAC format or in default MP3 320 kbps. And secondly, that the headphones are of great quality, and better yet if they also bring Hi-Res audio certification.


Finally, note that if the idea is to use the phone to play demanding titles at the graphic level, the choice of processor is key. In the mid-range, it may be important to look at a Snapdragon 625/626 or Snapdragon 652/653 processor, if it is from Qualcomm.

On the other hand, if the Smartphone comes with the MediaTek processor, the processor model might be a P10 or a Helio X10 / X20.


There are many things to look for when buying a new Smartphone, but it is essential to find the balance between price and benefits. And, above all, be clear what the actual use that you will give the Smartphone.



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