Top garden maintenance jobs for Autumn

Top garden maintenance jobs for Autumn

As winter approaches, it’s time to get ahead of those garden maintenance tasks before the first frost sets in. Tidying up your outdoor areas during the autumn will help keep your space pristine and problem-free until spring. So what’s on the list?

Weeding and pruning

Pulling up any lingering weeds during the autumn, although often a time-consuming task, will pay off throughout the cooler season when weed growth slows down. Although there are plenty of chemical weed-killing methods available, the old-fashioned method of pulling them up from the root works just as well to keep pesky weeds at bay and prevent their growth.

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Autumn is also the perfect time for a spot of pruning to keep your garden looking tidy throughout the season. Tackle rose bushes by deadheading and lopping off any dead and woody stems to keep your roses blooming year after year.

Clear drains and gutters

Check and clear any gutters of leaf fall and debris. You’ll be thankful once winter arrives, since heavy rain, snow and freezing weather are all culprits when it comes to costly drainage issues.

Schedule regular drainage maintenance or fix problem drains during this period so you’ll be all set for the season. CCTV drainage surveys Alcester and the surrounding area, available from drainage specialists such as, are a good way to detect any issues.

Trim hedges and overgrowth

Trim back hedges and overgrowth around your property. Baby birds should have fledged by autumn, so you won’t need to worry about disrupting a nest. Use an electric or petrol trimmer or trim by hand around your boundaries.

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Protect decking and fences

Now is the perfect time to prime, oil or stain your outdoor timber, such as decking and fence panels, if you haven’t already. This will give them an additional layer of protection against the rainy season, locking out moisture and preventing rot and fungus from setting in over winter.

Getting on top of these tasks will help you get ahead of potential problems, protect your garden and keep it in tip-top condition ahead of winter.


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