10 Business ideas without money that you can start today

10 Business ideas without money that you can start today

If you have ever used the excuse of “I do not have money not to start a business”. This article with business ideas without money that you can start is for you (explorer of excuses!).

Once you know these business ideas without money, you will convince yourself that beyond needing capital to start , what you really need is to have a willingness to take risks and undertake with what little you have.

10 Business ideas without money to start today:

  1. Be freelance
  2. Personalized classes for college or university students
  3. Professional photography
  4. Childcare
  5. Dog Walker
  6. House cleaning
  7. Virtual assistant
  8. Consulting or advisory services
  9. Create a blog that you can live
  10. Write an eBook

1. Be freelance:

business ideas without money

What skill do you have that differentiates you from others? Are you good at designing brands? In web programming? Writing?

Use your skills and free time to earn extra money.

The costs are minimal, all you need is a good computer (how much) and if you are reading this article you probably already have one. We invite to read 8 Small business ideas for stay-at-home parents

There are different platforms to start being a freelancer like Fiverr,  Upwork, Workana, and Nubelo.

2. Personalized classes for college or university students

Over the years you have been acquiring experience and knowledge in some specific area.

You can calmly give personalized classes for students who do not understand economics, design, mathematics or any subject that you can master and explain clearly.

You can charge for hours and define the hours of study, something that helps you to undertake while you are working.

3. Professional Photography:

business ideas without moneyThe images that you are taking and publishing in your Instagram account have enough interactions? People like your images and ask how you do it? Do they ask you for advice?

If you are achieving these images with a cell phone, imagine what you can do with a professional camera (which would be your only investment).

You can start offering your services for family or friends events. Usually, these are done in free time and you are doing something that you are passionate about.

4. Childcare:

In the future you see yourself having your family … you like children and it’s easy for you to take care of them, they also want you … so why not turn your taste into a business?

You can do it at night or on weekends, this does not require investments beyond promoting your business.

In fact, once people know your skills they will begin to recommend you voice to voice. The biggest businesses start from the simplest, doing it yourself and discovering the points to explode.

Once you identify what value to exploit you can start hiring other people, even in the future, if you develop a structure and a business model, you could start to devise a model of cheap franchises.

5. Dog walker:

business ideas without moneyAll you need are good pairs of shoes, straps for dogs and a good physical condition that you can develop the first weeks.

If you like dogs, (if you already have a couple of them in your house), you can monetize this taste by taking out those of your neighbors.

You can charge for days or weeks; You do it in the morning or in the evening depending on your schedule. It is also a good way to exercise since those walks will not only serve dogs.

6. House cleaning:

If you feel that your income is not enough, and you are looking for new alternatives to generate new sources of income, you can propose to your friends that you clean your apartment or house.

You can start by doing it yourself and then create a whole cleaning system.

When you develop a cleaning technique that is replicable and scalable, you can hire other people to do the cleaning and your focus to win new contracts.

In the future, you can expand your business to gardening, office cleaning, and restaurant services; But to begin with? It is one of those business ideas without money that you can start today.

Remember that the biggest empire started with the smallest idea.

7. Virtual assistant

business ideas without moneyWithin the business ideas without money, in this, you need to have free time since you will have to assist several people at the same time and a job does not give you this availability.

You do not have to be in an office in the other end of your city to provide this service, you can work from your home, in the tranquility of your living room, with your personal computer and an internet connection.

Maybe the company you are attending is in another city, or even another country, all you need is to provide administrative support that allows the other person to focus on what adds value and difference, and you provide the administrative service.

8. Consulting or advisory services:

What professional knowledge do you have above average? Do you understand how digital marketing works? Direct sells? Do you know how to optimize a process within your company? Do you have a knowledge and method that can be monetized?

You can provide the consulting service to other companies or entrepreneurs who have a problem in common and for which you have an alternative or solution.

This can be the first step to start your own business or independent life; You do not need to give up your work today to do it, you can use your free time to do it.

For this, the only investment you require is time to let you know and introduce yourself to potential entrepreneurs or executives who require your service.

9. Create a blog that you can live

Creating a blog beyond requiring money, requires an investment of time. The first thing you should be clear is that it does not need to be written, it can be a blog with videos or images. Nowadays there are many alternatives.

To start you need to define the topic (which you are passionate about) of which you are going to talk, choose a domain and buy a hosting plan.

10. Write an eBook

business ideas without moneyFinally, you can write a digital book or eBook and sell it on platforms like Amazon, where you can sell it for a commission.

This is one of those business ideas without money that requires hard work, but only once.

While this commission is somewhat expensive (30% according to the latest figures), having exposure to millions of buyers around the world becomes a very good alternative to market your digital products.

All you need is inspiration, knowledge and a lot of perseverance to write a quality product. This may be the start of a successful career as a writer.

The success of this business idea depends on your ability to engage readers and to offer them value. Finally not only they will buy you but they will recommend your pieces.

While these business ideas without money require your effort to start, you must be willing to invest your money you spend on a weekend, in beer or buying clothes, to give you a boost.

EB recommended 10 Low Investment Business Ideas for Beginners


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