Three Common Ear Problems

Three Common Ear Problems

Most people don’t tend to give much thought to their ears – until there is a problem with them that is. Here are some of the most commonly experienced ear problems and what can be done about them…

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Ear Infections – Many children and adults get ear infections, and they can be painful and also affect your balance as the small tubes in the ear become infected. Some people get an ear infection after having a cold or when something like allergies irritates the tubes in the upper airways and sinuses.

A doctor will be able to prescribe antibiotics to clear it up, so if you think you may have an ear infection it is important to go to a GP to get it checked.

Ear Wax Problems – We all need ear wax in the ear – It helps to stop anything bad getting into the ear and also helps to clean the ears out. However, in some people too much wax is produced or the ear canal becomes blocked with wax and this means that you need to find a professional like this by looking for ear wax removal near me to get it removed.

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Tinnitus – This is a ringing sound, a whistling or a buzzing in the ear, and the most common cause of it is exposure to loud noises. However, some people can develop tinnitus after an infection or illness. It can clear up on its own but if it has gone on a long time then often it is something that sufferers need to find ways to live with.


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