Why we go to concerts: the science behind live music

We all attend concerts for many reasons: to enjoy ourselves, meet new people, escape from the stresses of work/school/life and, ultimately, have fun. Concerts (and music) are more beneficial than you might think.

Here are a few good reasons to go to concerts – or reasons to justify your addiction to live music.

1: Our brain is more interested in experiences than material possessions.

It’s no surprise that going to see a show makes us happier than buying new shoes. Research shows that our brains treat money like a drug and prefer to spend it on experiences rather than material items. The psychologists Van Boven & Gilovirch discovered that individuals report feeling more fulfilled when they spend money on experiences such as a live sporting event or play, rather than material items.

The article that best summarised the topic was: “A trip to the beach is more enjoyable than buying new surfboards, participating in a race brings us greater joy than purchasing a bike, and attending a concert will make us happier than buying tons of music.”

2: Physical benefits

Attending live concerts can help reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol in concertgoers. When you get excited when the music begins, your brain releases positive endings which block pain. Don’t forget that going to concerts can be good exercise. Between all the standing, jumping and screaming, moving about, and sweating, you’ve already worked out the equivalent of spending 30 minutes on the treadmill. Well organised events are always safe to attend too, thanks to services like Event Medical Cover provided by a site like https://privateparamedicservices.co.uk/event-medical-cover/

3: Emotional wellbeing

Concerts are a great way to bring people together. You are not alone. There are hundreds or thousands of people around you who share your passion for the band. This creates a feeling of community and well-being. Hearing certain songs can also make us nostalgic and bring back memories. Thomas M. Beaudoin of Fordham University, says: “It is an opportunity to revisit a part of yourself and reflect on where you are now with that emotion.” It’s like therapy .”

Concerts are good for our minds and bodies, as well as our hearts. Next time you are debating if you should purchase that ticket, remember… It’s good for your health!


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