How much liquid should I consume?

Adults need between 2 and 2.5 litres (around 8 glasses) of fluid per day. Most of your fluid needs come from drinking, but you can also get some from foods like soups, stews and fruit.

It is important to replace the fluids your body loses every day so you will not become dehydrated.

When you pee you lose approximately 1.5 litres a day. You also lose around 200 ml of fluid in your poo and 500ml per sweat. Even breathing causes you to lose fluid.

How much fluid you require depends on a number of factors.

  • Your age – As you grow older, your body will store less water. Also, your kidneys won’t function as efficiently as before.
  • You need to drink more water if you exercise. The more exercise that you do, you will need more water.
  • Climate and environment. If it’s hot outside and you are sweating, then you need to drink more.
  • Drink more water if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. For Water Coolers Wales, visit net/

What should I drink to stay hydrated?

Consider the type of activity you are doing and your body’s needs when choosing what to consume. If you are doing some light housework then drinking a glass of water is all that your body may need to stay hydrated. If you are doing more strenuous activities, such as running long distances or sweating heavily, you may benefit from a sports drink.

You can drink any non-alcoholic beverages as part of your daily goal to consume two litres. Some drinks are rich in vitamins and minerals .

It’s important to remember that drinks like fruit juice can be high in sugar and calories. Sugary drinks can make you gain weight and increase the risk of type two diabetes. Sugary drinks may also lead to tooth decay.

A glass of 150ml fruit juice can be counted as one of the five portions of fruits and vegetables you need to eat each day. More than that can cause weight gain and excessive sugar intake.


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