Hairdressing salon is good business to start in your local area

Hairdressing salon is good business to start in your local area

To open a hairdressing salon, the possession of a diploma is necessary. Then, to concertize the project, it is necessary to realize a good business to start, to find a room and to arrange it, to choose a legal status, to carry out the formalities of creation and to conform to the regulation applicable to the hair salons.

We inform you in this file on the main steps to follow to open a hair salon:

  • Hold the necessary diploma to open a hairdressing salon
  • Complete the mandatory preparation course
  • Find a sign when it is planned to become a franchise
  • Inquire and comply with applicable regulations
  • Make a financial forecast
  • Find a local and arrange it
  • Choose the legal status of the company
  • Choose the tax regime of the company
  • Perform the formalities of creation

The diplomas needed good business to start a hairdressing salon

good business to start

It is not necessary for the good business to start owner to personally hold a professional degree. And in order to open a hairdressing salon. It is simply required that a person present in the show, who can be employed in the company, must hold one of the necessary diplomas and exercise effective and permanent control of the activity.

In practice, it is simpler than the creator of the hairdressing salon is himself the holder of the appropriate diploma.

The compulsory diploma to open a hairdresser

The opening of a hair salon requires to hold:

  • professional hairdressing patent,
  • the master’s degree in hairdressing,
  • or a diploma registered in the national professional certification directory in the same field as the professional hairdressing certificate and of a level equal or superior.

As noted above, it is not necessarily the entrepreneur who must hold the degree. To meet this obligation, it is possible to hire one or more employees, holder (s) of one of the diplomas required to open a hairdressing salon.

The opening without diploma possible in a very specific case

When the hairdressing activity is carried out in addition to a main activity, established in a municipality with less than 2000 inhabitants and that it is a men’s hairdressing salon, the possession of a diploma is not mandatory.


The installation preparation courses to open a hairdressing salon

To open a hairdressing salon, a registration in the trades directory is necessary as it is a craft activity. This registration requires the contractor to complete an installation preparation course (SPI) .

An exemption from a training period may be required in certain cases, for example:

  • when the contractor has at least the same management training as the installation preparation course,
  • or where the contractor has previously been self-employed or has already been registered in the trade register.

Open a hair salon by joining a franchise network

good business to start

Opening a hair salon can be done by joining a franchise network. The chosen brand is then required to provide you with several information by giving you a pre-contractual information document at least 20 days before the signature of the franchise agreement.

The regulation applicable to hairdressers

The opening of a hair salon requires compliance with complex regulations, it will be necessary to learn about the applicable laws and implement them.

For your hairdressing benefits, you are free to practice the prices you want. The prices inclusive of VAT must be clearly and comprehensibly displayed inside and outside the show. Invoices issued to customers must include prices excluding taxes and taxes included.

good business to start

Then, since the hairdressing salon is a public reception establishment (ERP). It is necessary to respect all the norms in force, in particular as regards safety and firefighting. In this regard, we advise you to follow this link: ERP rules In addition, the show must be maintained and arranged to ensure the safety and health of employees.

The addition, you must also comply with all applicable hygiene and environmental rules. We advise you to contact the Chamber of Crafts and Crafts for more information.

If you want to play music in your hair salon, you must ask for permission from SACEM. A fee will have to be paid to this organization.

The financial forecast opening of a hairdressing salon

It is essential to make a forecast in order to financially study is good business to start your project to open the hairdressing salon, in particular to ensure its profitability and reliability. This will also allow you to measure your financing needs.

In order to realize your provisional accounts, you will have to estimate and budget the turnover that you plan to achieve, the investments needed good business to start your hairdressing salon as well as the expenses to be expected to carry out the activity.

When the project to open a hair salon is done by joining a sign, it is possible to obtain interesting financial information from the network to help you set up your financial forecast.

The choice of local to open a hairdresser

good business to start

To open a hairdressing salon is good business to start local area, a commercial space adapted and well placed is essential. The choice of location is crucial to successfully open the show. In general, places with a lot of passage, such as city centers and commercial areas, are preferred.

It will be necessary to provide development work to adapt the premises to the exercise of the activity, except when the premises found was already used to operate a hair salon and its configuration is ideal for the project .

In general, the commercial space that will serve as a place of business is the subject of a commercial lease for a period of 9 years. We must therefore take all necessary precautions before validating the choice of commercial premises.

What legal status to choose to open a hair salon?

The status of self-entrepreneur and micro-enterprise are not suitable solutions in the context of a project to open a hairdressing salon. Because it will be impossible to deduct expenses from taxable profit. This point is problematic given the many expenses to be made to operate a hairdressing salon (commercial rent, equipment, layout of the premises, water and electricity, salaries and social charges of staff …).

The operation of the hairdressing salon can be carried out in its own name (as a sole proprietorship) or by opting for the EIRL, which makes it possible to secure one’s personal patrimony and to have the possibility to opt for a taxation of the profits to the ‘Corporation tax.

good business to start

The creation of a commercial company may be necessary when the project brings together several creators who plan to associate. In this case, the choice of legal status is made in principle between the LLC and the SAS. To help you in this choice, here are two files to consult:

It is also possible to opt for exercise in a single-member company (with a single partner). Two options are possible: EURL or SASU. The main difference between these two legal statuses concerns the social system of affiliation of the entrepreneur: this is the RSI in EURL and the general social security scheme in SASU.

The choice of legal status has many impacts on the operation of the company, it is necessary to be accompanied by a professional in case of doubt and validate the chosen choice before completing the formalities of creation.

What is the taxation applicable to hairdressing salons?

Taxation of profits

The profits realized with a hairdressing salon constitute industrial and commercial profits ( BIC ), taxable, according to the chosen legal status and the chosen tax options, directly in the name of the contractor to the IRPP or the name of the company to corporation tax.

The choice between the IR and the IS is possible except in case of creation of a sole proprietorship. Where the imposition to the IS is inapplicable. The chosen option must be entered directly on the business creation form.

VAT and other commercial taxes

In terms of VAT, the activities of good business to start a hairdressing salon are subject to the normal VAT rate. Products sold in hairdressing salons are subject to VAT rates that are specific to them. When products are used for hairdressing services. They may be included in the amount of the benefit and taxable at the rate of the benefit.

You have to choose a VAT regime when you good business to start. And you have several choices (VAT exemption, simplified real, normal real). The selected option must be entered directly on the business creation form.

Finally, hairdressing salons fall within the scope of the other main taxes for commercial activities: the CFE, the CVAE, the TVS …

The formalities of creation to open the hairdressing salon

The good business to start who opens a hairdressing salon with the quality of craftsman. And he is required to register with the directory of trades. When the hairdressing salon is operated as a trading company, the company must also be registered in the trade and companies register.

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