Six Ways To Earn Money Quickly In 2023

Six Ways To Earn Money Quickly In 2023

Do an internet search for ways to earn legitimate cash fast, and you’ll be faced with a dizzying list of hundreds of options. When you need money fast, you don’t have time to wait for a second job’s paycheck or to start a new venture. Here’s my list of six smart ways to make money fast that are completely legitimate and diverse enough that you’ll likely find something that can work for you, just like the various games at

Sell something on eBay or Etsy

This isn’t as nebulous as it sounds at first. Every day, people list and sell their new or used items on eBay for nearly immediate cash, and so can you. From gently used scrubs to puzzles, and everything in between, eBay is a great way to generate quick cash. You may not land a sale for a single cornflake in the shape of Illinois (that already sold for $1,350 a few years back), but chances are good that you’ll be able to generate quick cash just from things you have around your house.

Temp jobs 

In just about every community in the nation, there are temp agencies that are always scrambling for people willing to take short-term or temporary work assignments. This is a great way to generate legit cash quickly without spending days and weeks in a job hunt.

Check out job boards on social media

Social media is about more than just making social connections. It can also be a great way to find quick employment. Check out Facebook jobs groups in your city, where you can get hired almost immediately for things like yard work and child care. If you’re wise and ask for references, so you can check out the person hiring, this is a great way to earn money fast. You might also be recommended to play online slot machines on the social media, as many are playing them to make some quick cash.

Make something

Just about everyone has a talent for making something that can be turned into cash. From simple soap making to furniture making, with just a little work you can have a steady supply of homemade items to sell on sites such as eBay, Craigslist, or at a community sale.

Smart yard sales 

No list of ways to earn quick cash would be complete without mention of yard sales. But there are smarter ways to use yard sales to help reduce frustration and increase the cash in your pocket. Whether you want to turn old fishing poles into cash or need to clean out the kids’ closets, joining together with other families to make a larger, well-advertised sale event will help attract more potential buyers.


Everyone got started somewhere, right? If you have skills and an itch to test the freelance waters, check out sites such as or Guru. The key to keeping it legit is to only use freelancing sites that offer integrated payment collection, so you’re not left having to chase down customers who owe you money.


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