22 ideas to increase sales in an online store

22 ideas to increase sales in an online store

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There are many online stores on the Internet. But not all of them make a much volume of sales . In the case of some SMEs, the shop is still an experiment that does not just work. It takes time and effort. Also applying good ideas to help us improve sales.

In this post we present some ideas that can help you increase not only your positioning and get more visits, but increase the number of conversions, increase real sales , get more customers.

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Ideas to improve online sales

1. Check the general structure of your website. If it is too convoluted to reach the product, many customers will leave.

2. Put a slider with offers or discounts. Spread them in the middle. Sliding images capture the customer better.

3. Fixes 404 errors. Pages not found or broken links are a leak of users and clients.

4. Adapt your website to different resolutions. If your web does not have an adaptive responsive design, it will look bad on some devices.

5. Do not lose customers from your mobile or tablet. Make sure your web looks good in different browsers. Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox …

6. Make a newsletter to capture sales. You need a form for customers to leave your e-mail and you can send them information, tips and offers.

7. Change the background color of the web. Very bright colors, black backgrounds with white lettering and the like are not suitable for comfortable reading.

8. Make user accounts. You need the users will be able to make an account and leave their payment data recorded. No one likes to have to re-write them all again. This makes sales loyalty.

9. Suggest related products. There are many ways of doing it. When someone goes to buy a product, give you the opportunity to see related products, bought other customers, or you can add your purchase at a discount. If you can carry more than 1 product, more sales for you.

10. Correct the loading speed. According to Google, the web should load in 1.5 seconds most.

11. Open an account on social networks. Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus are the most popular.

12. Work online marketing. Do not have phantom networks. Share quality daily content with your target in mind.

13. Take advantage of video-marketing. The videos that explain all the operation of the products help convince the customer.

14. Install a blog. Blogs are a gateway and a powerful customer gauge. If you do not know how to keep it, you can delegate the blogging service to an editor.

15. Use social networks optimally. If you want to sell, make a product page, or launch a discount offer. But remember that useful content is what should prevail.

16. Create a sales page. You can use landing pages or landing pages to launch new products.

17. Offer all forms of payment you can. Some e-commerce systems offer limited modes of payment.

18. Improve logistics. If the shipping costs are very high, some customers will not buy. Look for competitive prices.

19. Offers free shipping. Many stores get each customer to buy more quantity, indicating that the shipping costs are free from a certain amount: € 30, € 60, € 100, etc.

20. Sell in other currencies. Sometimes much of our demand is in Latin America, or in the United States, or in Europe. You may need to change strategy. Offers payment in dollars, pesos, yen, etc. And look for a partner that distributes the products in that place, or a competitive carrier. If your product is not physical, but online, you should do it without a doubt.

21. Sell on Amazon. Large stores like Amazon allow us to put our products on these platforms and take advantage of their prestige and positioning to attract new customers.

22. Make discounts for buying online. Having a 5% overall discount system on all purchases, or a points program to get rebates on the next purchase, also helps you get more sales and loyalty to your customers.

It is logical that many companies have not yet implemented any of these initiatives. It is not always easy to do it with e-commerce software and sometimes requires paying for modules. But if you have a computer service , this can help you to optimize and keep the online store constantly so it is not obsolete .

What other ways do you suggest to sell more with an online store? Tell us your idea in the comments, and if you liked this article, share it in the social networks.


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