An introduction to display advertising

An introduction to display advertising

Display advertising is a powerful digital marketing strategy that uses visual elements to promote your brand across various different websites and platforms. These visual ads are often referred to as banners and can appear in different formats and sizes, ranging from static images to dynamic animations.

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HTML5 banners have revolutionised display advertising with the result that you can now create interactive adverts that are more visually appealing than traditional static ads. You can add interactive elements such as animations, videos and clickable, interactive features that are responsive and adaptable. Your advert will work across various devices and screen sizes, from desktops to smartphones and tablets.

Display Advertising Formats

Standard formats:

– Banner (468×60)
– Medium Rectangle (300×250)
– Wide Skyscraper (160×600)
– Half Page (300×600)
– Leaderboard (728×90).

Mobile formats:

– Medium Rectangle (300×250)
– Smartphone Large Banner (320×100)
– Smartphone Wide Banner (320×50)

Rich Media

With HTML5 banners, you can even incorporate various rich media elements like audio, gaming functionalities and real-time updates. An immersive experience will help drive higher engagement rates. Choose a specialist design agency such as  that offers animated ad options.

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Measurable Results

When you create a banner ad, you will be provided with detailed analytics and performance metrics. These allow you to track impressions, clicks, conversions and other key statistics in real time.

Pricing for Banner Ads

– Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM): CPM is the most traditional pricing model where advertisers pay for every thousand impressions (views) of their ad. This model is suitable for brand awareness campaigns where the goal is to reach a large audience and maximise your company’s visibility.

– Cost per Click (CPC): The CPC pricing model charges advertisers only when users click on their banner ads, directing them to the advertiser’s website or landing page.

– Cost per Action or Acquisition (CPA): The CPA pricing model means you are only charged when a specific action is completed by the user, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. You pay for actual conversions rather than just clicks or impressions.


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