These home improvements will add value to your property

These home improvements will add value to your property

Many Brits are passionate about DIY. While the majority of Brits do DIY to improve their home’s comfort and functionality, it can also increase its value. The cost of an improvement should be compared to the value increase that will result. A swimming pool is an expensive improvement to a home in England that might not add enough to the resale value, for example.
What home improvements will increase the value of my home? Take a look at some of the common ways to increase the value of your home without carrying out an expensive renovation project.

Select Faster Broadband

Recent research by Rightmove found that homebuyers avoid properties with slow broadband. It is now almost essential to have superfast broadband, which allows you to stream music or movies. Not without cause, it is often called the “fourth utility”, after electricity, gas, and water.

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Add Kerb Appeal

First impressions are important, so a little bit of paint or some render can transform the look of your home and make it appear well maintained. This will not cost you much money. Paint or render can make your home look newer and cared for. A property’s worth can be increased by up to 10% if you spend between £500 and £10,000 on some rendering.

Install Double Glazing

Estate agents often tell property owners that installing new double-glazed or secondary windows in existing windows can increase the value of their property and make it more appealing to buyers. For period properties, wooden frames are preferred over plastic ones. Plastic windows can cause a decrease in price. You can increase the value of your home by up to 10% if you choose to do it correctly. Select a reliable installer who offers a personalised service for those looking for double glazing. For advice from Estate Agents Cheltenham, contact a site like

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Cosy up with a woodburner

Many homebuyers want a woodburner or a remote-controlled electric or gas fire. This can improve the chances of your home selling. A wood burner has a fuel efficiency of 75 percent, as opposed to an open fireplace’s 20 percent. The wood burner also creates a focal point. Consider the small things that make life more comfortable and these are sure to be appreciated by potential buyers when it’s time to put your home on the market.



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