Nowadays, millions of people think nothing of hopping onto a plane and heading off on their holidays, or for a business trip. Whether you want to get some winter sunshine, visit friends in another country, or go and do business in another part of the world, air travel makes this easy and accessible to most people.
The first passenger flight that left the UK was over 100 years ago – on 25th August, 1919, a former bomber that had been converted into a passenger plane left London for Paris. With cargo including cream from Devonshire as well as leather goods, there was also a newspaper journalist who was onboard, who became the first air passenger on an international flight.
The war had not only caused destruction to the road and rail networks across Europe, but advances in technology had also been used for developing aircraft that could be used to get people to places more quickly. It wasn’t long before more flights took off to take cargo and passengers to more destinations – of course in those days there were few who could afford the luxury.
The modern aircraft of today, as well as the expert engineering and parts from aircraft part suppliers like this have made flying not only more affordable but also one of the safest ways to travel. Enabling people to see more of the world than ever before, there has never been a better time to fly!