Planning your Self Build Home

Planning your Self Build Home

If you are planning to build your own home from scratch, there are lots of things that you will think about during the design phase – from sustainability to budget. When planning a project like this, attention to detail is essential as you don’t want to get caught out later on down the line when you have already started your building project.

Here are some of the things that you need to factor in when planning your home…

Planning – First and foremost, you need to make sure that you have permission to build on the land that you want to build on, and also make sure that your design is approved by the local planning department. Your architect will be able to help and advise you with this, as they have a good knowledge of local planning laws and regulations that you need to follow but ensuring that you get permission before building is crucial.

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Timescale – Having a timescale planned out makes sure that you are not having to spend more time on the project than necessary, and the longer a project goes on for the more it can end up costing you. Setbacks can happen, but planning for what you will do to reduce the risk and impact of them really helps. Some styles of homes, such as those from timber frame manufacturers like this can reduce your building time as they are made in the factory and then assembled on site.

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Finances – Having your finances in order before you begin is essential, and you need to have a budget and stick to it. Otherwise you could run out of money part of the way through and be left with a half-finished home!


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