Three advantages of team building activities

Three advantages of team building activities

Many companies use team building activities to enhance the performance of their workforce; increasingly, they are reaping the benefits of these exercises.

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The good news is that independent research concludes that these team-development interventions are beneficial to team functioning. One of the major outcomes is that they introduce ideas of interdependence rather than individual activity, highlighting shared goals and establishing collaborative relationships.

Three spin-offs that are advantageous to the company are:

1. Staff retention

Especially in key positions, staff retention is a priority for most HR departments. By creating strong team channels and conduits for knowledge transfer, individuals recognise their contribution and there is an impact on job satisfaction ratings. This leads to higher levels of staff continuity, which in turn impacts how well the company is performing, affects the bottom line and fosters growth.

2. Job satisfaction

Team-building exercises can have a huge impact on job satisfaction, creating a sense of belonging within the company and increasing productivity. Although some bonding experiences can be created within the workplace, taking staff on a specific exercise off-site can be more successful.

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There are myriad activities on offer, from sporting activities to the thrills and spills of tank driving days. These events involve communication elements that are transferable back to the workplace, ensuring inter-departmental activities are improved and networks established. This helps in the development and transfer of fresh ideas. Go to Armourgeddon to find out more.

3. Motivation

Team building exercises such as tank driving days are about motivation and have a competitive element. Groups that have success in their tasks at the event will feel motivated when they return to the workplace and will approach their daily tasks with increased confidence, often drawing on their experiences from their team day out. Staff morale will also be impacted and the team element of the event should be transferable to the workplace.

The aim of these exercises is to create the kind of environment in which workplace barriers are broken down and collaborative problem-solving situations are created, thereby building trust. Individual self-worth will be improved alongside the sense of being a part of a successful team. This environment can then be transferred to the workplace, helping to improve the performance of the company.

Arranging a team building away day could prove to be a wise investment for your company, providing significant benefits for the future.


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